Workforce Housing

A true measure of our community's greatness in the next 20 years will align with our ability to provide affordable places to live near areas where people work. Doing so will help ease the spider effect of community growth: High costs of housing in urban cores and centers of work push our workforce further and further away from their jobs, leading to higher traffic, suburban sprawl, loss of open space, expensive utility expansion, and lower quality of life.

Our workforce citizens are the backbone of our community. We are teachers, police, fire and emergency responders, young professionals, machinists, construction pros, and mid-income families. On average, many of our workforce travel more than 25 minutes to work each day and back. A majority of our commuters utilize the same main arteries of I-526, I-26, U.S. 17, and surrounding roads. Congestion, fuel consumption, and lost time with family and community events are only a few negative impacts.

Strong, collaborative local governments can help build affordable workforce housing into new development and in-fill housing plans. They can support strategic, inter-county public transportation initiatives like Lowcountry Rapid Transit. It takes teamwork and a commitment from the larger community. But the result is a positive impact to quality of life that ultimately, will mark our community's greatness in years to come.


Regional Issues


Competition makes us faster.
Collaboration makes us better.

Improved Infrastructure

If we are to move forward, we must be able to MOVE.

Quality Job Growth

Local jobs are created by our city's healthy rhythm.

Our Port

South Carolina's economic engine would not exist without the Port of Charleston.


Education is the heart of our community.

Responsible Government

Collaborating, helpful local government.

Clean Energy

Clean energy is shaping the way we think about our region...and the way the world thinks about us.

Density vs. Sprawl

Cities are solutions.

Our Military

Patriotism begins at home.

Our Land and Water

"Conservation is the state of harmony between men and land."

Our Tourism

A world class destination...and we call her "home."

Public Transit

New thinking needed for public transit.

Workforce Housing

Live, Work, Play should be available to everyone.